BDC / Call Center
Evaluate Your Call Center through Show-Up Rates, Appointments Closed, Estimated Sales, and Comparing Every Agent Individually
Call tracking software usually offers individual reports for different metrics, and that’s the problem. To understand how a source or campaign is performing, you need to go through several reports. A single KPI doesn’t give you the whole picture, and that’s what is needed to make the best decisions for your business.
- Review Your Team’s Operations on a Single Dashboard
- Analyze Your Agents’ Performance
- Evaluate the Strong Points in the BDR
- Detect Areas of Improvement for Your Team
- Generate Attainable KPIs Based On BDR Performance
- Agent Comparison. See Who’s at the Top and Bottom of the Team.
- Estimated Sales Related to the BDR.
- Detailed Cost Per Call, Appointment & Shows.
- Overall Team Performance and Goals.